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    CeboStone Flash and CeboStone Light

    Water-based acrylic finishes for interiors, giving surfaces a sandblasted and luminous effect

    Acrylic Finishes

CeboStone Flash and CeboStone Light

CeboStone Light and CeboStone Flash are two water-based acrylic finishes for interiors. Quick and easy to apply, with high mechanical resistance, they give the surfaces a sandblasted and luminous effect. They can be used on any type of substrate, both plaster and civil. CeboStone Flash features a shiny, shimmering metallic look, while CeboStone Light features a subtle, matte metallic look. To make the two finishes perfectly washable, we recommend the application of CeboVitra Più, a transparent, water-based glossy protector.

Brushstroke effect: apply the chosen finish in one coat with a medium brush (7x3 or 10x3), working in crossed brushstrokes in order to obtain a succession of smooth and sandy areas on the surface.

Striped effect: apply the chosen finish with a medium brush (7x3 or 10x3), proceeding with vertical, horizontal or diagonal brush strokes of different lengths: then go over with the empty brush to regularize the design and to eliminate excess product. To obtain a more homogeneous and less contrasting effect, once CeboStone is completely dry it is possible to apply another coat of product in the same way as the first.

Preparation of base coat

Check that the supports are uniform, perfectly clean and dry. In the presence of recent shavings, chalky or absorbent surfaces, clean the surface thoroughly and first apply the CeboFix M insulating fixative in one hand, with a brush, diluted 1:1 with water.

water-based acrylic primer, with high coverage and whiteness. Apply the product with a short-haired roller, in one or two hands, until the surface is completely covered. Once FondoPlus has dried, proceed with the application of CeboStone.

CeboMagic: paste additive for interiors, based on holographic micro-glitter, with a three-dimensional and multicolored optical effect. Inserted into CeboStone it enriches its appearance, giving a touch of refined magic to the rooms. Add CeboMagic close to finishing installation; use the product with additives within 6 days.

CeboVitra Più:
water-based protective, glossy transparent based on polyurethane resins for interiors; the treated surfaces are extremely washable. It is indicated for the protection of surfaces subject to frequent cleaning. Apply CeboVitra Più, ready for use, in one or two coats with a brush following the direction of the CeboStone process.

  • product use dilution (water) approx. coverage tool drying time colour
    fixative CeboFix M interior 1:1 10 m2/L 4-6 h transparent
    base coat FondoPlus interior 10% 8-10 m2/L 6-8h white
    finish coat CeboStone Flash interior ready to use 7-8 m2/L for coat 4-6 h CeboKit & CeboCol
    finish coat CeboStone Light interior 5% 7-8 m2/L for coat 4-6 h CeboKit & CeboCol
    protective CeboVitra Più interior ready to use 16 m2/L for coat 4-6 h transparent

  • If more than one pack has to be produced in the same color, it is advisable to use bases and colorants carrying the same batch number.

    5 L 25 ml 100 ml 500 ml
    3 L 15 ml 60 ml 300 ml
    1 L 5 ml 20 ml 100 ml